Oct 15, 2010


A couple of weeks ago Vanidades magazine asked if I had any shots featuring RED LIPS........Sure I do but it's more fun to shoot something new so Kim and I and Yana from Ford models got together and shot a beautiful Red Lip story. While I was at it I also continued my explorations with my Flip camera and here is the result!

Aug 24, 2010


It is so gratifying when a magazine is showing interest in your work on a consistent basis.
Vanidades has become that magazine for me and they continue to ask for more.
Here are a couple of images that were featured in the July issue......so clean, so pretty:)

Jul 21, 2010

my little movie

Many many years ago when I was in my early teens I borrowed my dad's Super 8 film camera and I started making my own little movies. I made story boards, I edited my films by cutting and gluing film strips in my darkened bedroom, I added music and sound from recordings and counted seconds in order to match it up with my moving images and I arranged movie afternoons with my friends and family.
Somewhere between one movie and the other my interest moved towards still images and theSuper 8 cam was forgotten; collecting dust somewhere, until it was probably sold in a yard-sale or even thrown away....I believe, at least, as I haven't seen it for 20+ years.
What I didn't forget was the feeling, the colors and the rawness of the Super 8 film quality and a few weeks ago I decided to play around with moving images yet again, while shooting a fashion story in the park, with the goal of attempting to reproduce the Super 8 feel with a simple Flip cam that I borrowed from Kim.
The idea came to me while Kim was preparing the girls hair and makeup: Plastic wrap!!!
You use it sometimes on still cameras to get that aged photograph effect so why shouldn't it work on a film camera??
I simply put some plastic wrap in front of the lens of this tiny little Flip cam and started filming in between the still shots and this is the result. I am quite happy with it, for being a first attempt, and now I can't wait to play some more!!!

Jul 19, 2010

Fred Leighton

Today I found out that another 2 images from my Fred Leigton advertising campaign shoot have been published, which means that I can now share them on my blog, website and use them in my portfolio. Sometimes it takes ages before you can actually show your work around but this time it has taken just a few months, which is great!

The tiara shot is actually my favorite so I am happy I can finally show it and look at it freely!


I am really really terrible at this.....I said once it's like taking vitamins; I am really good at remembering taking those multi colored pills for a period of time and then I just forget.
Well, it's the same with blogging. So much happens all the time and by the time I remember to post on the blog, I feel like too much time has passed and I just leave it alone.
My very good friend and makeup-artist, Kim Weber, did however have a point when she told me I should just post the highlights....so here are a few highlights from the time that has passed since I last posted on this blog and from now on I'd like to try to be a bit better at it.......Lately I have been very good at taking my vitamins so maybe change is in the air!


Fred Leighton advertising campaign for 2010-2012 shot in May this year. Look for it in magazines and US publications! :)

Intermix on-line catalogue May/June 2010

Hair beauty published in Vanidades March 2010

Skin-bronze beauty story published in Vanidades May 2010

Hair beauty story published in Brides US November/December 2009

Jul 20, 2009


It is crazy how much work goes into postproduction and retouching and everything else that follows a shoot! The days just flies away and it just hit me I haven't posted anything for almost a month.
On top of this I am not the most efficient person when it comes to updating things such as my blog, facebook, twitter, linkedin and all these other networks. For me it is a little bit like taking my vitamins....I remember for a few days and then it just seems to skip my mind. :) I get so caught up in everything else I have to do.
But here I am again.
For the past few weeks I have been focusing on finishing up a job I did for Brides magazine, shooting, editing and starting retouching a jewelry look-book and putting the finishing touches on some other beauty images I have shot in the past couple of month.
The Brides images I can't post or show until they have been published which won't be until November/december, the look-book should be done and retouched within the week and hopefully I won't forget to post them :)
But I am finally posting the pretty and fun fragrance shot I did with my friend and makeup artist Sabrina Ziomi and the lovely Magdalena Fuchs from Next.


Jun 18, 2009


It has been a long long time since I last posted on my blog! I have been busy busy shooting, dealing with pre and postproduction, retouching, editing, creating an additional portfolio, printing new work, updating my website and all the good stuff that comes with this photography business!
Some of the stuff that I have been shooting I can't post either here on this blog nor on my website or in my portfolio as the images haven't been published yet and won't see the light of day until November/December. So hard to wait sometimes!! :)
But I do want to share some gorgeous beauty images I shot recently. The crew is the usual: Kim Weber for makeup and Hikari for hair and the girls are from one of my favorite agencies, Wilhelmina.